Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009

There are many people in their native coutries hold highly professional jobs,
but here is America.They have to start from zero.In America,many America native
companies don't really admit other countries degrees,so they have to learn again
in American universities or collages.I don,t think Andrei is in trouble because
allmost all of immigrants are as doing as Adrei.If he keeps going,i think he will
be success in the future.His dream will come true.
but if this country is in recession, could you imagine how are the other countries?
Maybe for this reason most of Foreign residents still dreaming that USA could improve their economic problem to make them a better life.
The most important thing is that you feel happy and no regret with your life. maybe in the future, when Andrei look his past life, he will say that his job like a cleaner man was good because his dream comes true.
Andrei's story, by Kevin
An interesting element of the article about Andrei was the relationship between him and the man who interviewed him. Young Ja Lee is also new in New York. He came from South Korea and seems to be Andrei's classmate in an ESL course. The two men are in similar situations, and Young Ja Lee writes about Andrei with empathy.
first he didin't want to be an engineer,but a lutterair. his parents forced him to study engineery,and he thanks them today for that. unfortinatly he is not doing his job here. he is at the highway constraction,and he is very depressed.
Yeon Sook
So many people come to the United States for attainment of their dream like Andrei. Some of them was graduated from college & university and they lived comfortably in their country. However, after they came to the United States, in the first time, they get a job that needed hard labor in first time, and almost all of them live very hard in the United States. I also know that finding a job in the United States is not easy. I don't know why they come to United States, here is not only comfortable but job is also very hard. Therefore, I will go back to my country.
Baekdoo Ryan Kim
Andrei has similar to our situation. Also we want to learn language for own purposes, so I understand about a part of his emotion. He is showing to us on this articles that one of the important things is effort.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Baekdoo Ryan Kim
In my opinion, American people's behavior is very freely and they nearly care about other people. It means, Americans have strong their expression. However Japanese people have opposite expression of American and they always behave carefully.
Why are they different? I think, this behave is based on their history and growing enviroment.
To summarize, eventhough they have different behave and expression, it's not problem, because these are their own persnality so we have to respect that.
Thank you.
Behavior in Public
- Behavior: refers to the action or reactions of an object or organism, usually in relation to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.
Each one, have a diverse cultures. The cultural is the way it going to show you the style has a country and the sometimes it is show you what kind the behavior in public has had live through it the year.
A Japanese friend who is living in
He could explain by the different of characteristic features between American and Japanese.
- I think we never know which ones characteristic is better because it is going to change what you have of your concept about your own country or alien country.
Japan Vs the United States..kib
Most people feel tired and sad on Monday because the people have to getting up early another days and putting up with rush hour crowds. I'm too. Every Monday I'm waiting for Friday. Most people like Friday. Why are we happy? Weekend is waiting for us. We say!! "Thank God It's Friday!!"
However, I think is more easier to live in a city like New york, with many choices or options than a cities or countries with a closer mind.
Paula Valencia
However, in Japan, the culture is more exigent, more individualist due to it is just one culture and it is not shares it influences with others cultures.
big differences between this culture are, the clothes, the average of ages to go to school and holidays.
Also I sometimes felt same thing with example of this essay between Korean and America culture. Actually I don't know which culture make more comfortable living.
However, I think that I have experiences between both countries will made me to be more better than now.