Thursday, March 05, 2009

Baekdoo Ryan Kim

What are different American and Japanese?

In my opinion, American people's behavior is very freely and they nearly care about other people. It means, Americans have strong their expression. However Japanese people have opposite expression of American and they always behave carefully.
Why are they different? I think, this behave is based on their history and growing enviroment.
To summarize, eventhough they have different behave and expression, it's not problem, because these are their own persnality so we have to respect that.

Thank you.


Blogger the blog said...


This is the commentary you wrote with grammar and spelling corrections:

What are differences between Americans and Japanese?

In my opinion, American people's behavior is very free and they (rarely?) (nearly always?) care about other people. By this I mean that Americans have strong their expression. However, Japanese people have opposite expression of Americans and always behave carefully.
Why are they different? I think this behavior is based on their history and growing environment.
To summarize, even though they have different behavior and expression, it's not a problem, because these are their own personality so we have to respect that.

Thu Mar 05, 03:09:00 PM  
Blogger the blog said...


It is interesting that so many aspects of American culture and Japanese culture are nearly opposite. You can also see that opposition in language. In English, we say, "I want to eat this." In Japanese, people say "this eat want to." (kore o tabetai desu). How do you say the sentence in Korean?

Thu Mar 05, 03:14:00 PM  

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