Saturday, April 29, 2006

rewrite and summary

Monday: Please rewrite with corrections the work I return to you this morning. Make two prints and put on e-portfolio.

Please write a summary of the New York Times article from last week. First make a print for me to correct. Then put it on e-portfolio and make two prints.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sunshine Hotel

This is the URL. Copy and Paste in the address bar. Listen and read and take notes.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


This morning, before you put anything on e-portfolio, make a print for Kevin to correct.

Please put on your e-portfolio the writing we began Friday,
comparing two people. If you were not here Friday, ask
Kevin for the paper explaining the paragraph form.

Also, please correct and continue the composition from
last week on a topic (Darwin, dilemma, etc.- you chose
one). Rewrite correctly before writing new stuff.
Please also put that on the e-portfolio.

Make two prints of your work, please, one for yourself
and one for the teacher.

comparison and other

please put on e-portfolio the writing we began Friday, comparing two people. If you were not here Friday, ask Kevin for the paper explaining the paragraph form.

Also, please correct and continue the composition from last week on a topic (Darwin, dilemma, etc.- you chose one). Rewrite correctly before writing new stuff. Please also put that on the e-portfolio.

Make two prints of your work, please, one for yourself and one for the teacher.

comparison and other

Today please put on e-portfolio the comparison paragraph we studied last Friday. If you are absent, the teacher will give you the paper explaining it.

Also, please put on e-porfolio your corrected composition from last Monday (topics such as Darwin, dilemma, etc.)

Also make two prints of everything, one for you and one for your teacher.

Monday, April 17, 2006

telc students and teacher

My country is korea. We korean people are smart,diligen. AT the same time life is busier, also traffic is heavier.
New York people are smart and have a comfortable living. In my country trains come at ten-minute intervals, but New York
trains don't provide times and are dirty. Also New york buildings are very old and look beautiful. Similarly Korea tradition buildings are looking beautiful. If you come to in korea, you will look tredition buildings.
New York and korea are different price. korea is working hours long time, however korea adjust working hours, but New York is working hours fair time.

Radical change

Radical Change

When I lived in my country, I was happy. However, since I came to New York I have been a little bit sad. I felt the big change while spending more time here. Many efforts for me to not get bored were made by my friends. When I was going to take English classes, I was excited. Although it took long time to start, I felt so glad. Had I made a good decision? Now I know that was the best decision.

My classes are both funny and kindly.


The time in the U.S. doesn't have the same meaning as the time in my country. However to be on time also has a different meaning. If "Time is money" in the U.S. in my country "Life is take one's time.

People always are in a hurry in the U.S., while nobody rushes in my hometown. For appointments between friends, they are really patient because you can make an appointment with a friend for 2 P.M. andhe will be there may be at 4 P.M. so, people have patience.

If the most important thing is your presence for a friendly appointment even if you come late; people older than you don't accept you being late.Those old people must not wait for young people. To be on time in this situation means respect.

Areas are close and easy to access, so there are no trains. Most of the time there is no traffic jam or just for a few moment. People can get quickly to their destination.

When you have an appointment for a public service you have to keep calm, because even if you are ahead of time the staff never is on time.

In the U.S. people always look at the watch. It is surprising but in my hometown nobody watches the time. When they are late in the U.S. People get stress.When they miss something they are nervous. In my hometown they just take it easy and try to figure it out.

Anyway, both cultures have theirs avantages and disavantages, right now people travel a lot and start to adopt European and American culture.They feel a little bit offended when you are lste.

telc students and teacher

telc students and teacher: "and teacher "

telc students and teacher

"Time difference between New York & Korea"

My name is Sungbok Park. I'm come from Korea. I would like to write about time difference between NY and Korea. In my country, time is very fast, Especially in the morning, streets are crowded by people who go to work ontime. Subway service is better and faster than in New York. Every 5 minutes I can take subway. How about the internet? In Korea, we can download a movie in under15 minutes. But it has some problems. Sometimes, people lose their patient easilly. Also, New York and Korea have samethings. For example, it is important to be on time. But, if between friends, it couldn't be strict.....

telc students and teacher

When I lived in Miami I was sad.However since I moved to NYC while I tall to my guirl. I has been very happy.
I first saw the difference betwen Miami and NYC.
A sport Interview was arranged for four a"clock but the train was very late.When I arrived at his college nobody was there.Although the manager didnt say anything.I got out of my house late.I asked my selfs.
I could talked to him at sn a late time.


In my country Ecuador there aren't trains. Instead, the people use buses. One difference between rush hours in U.S. and my country is that we have three times in the day as rush hours: one in the morning about 7:00 am, another at 1:00 pm and another in the afternoon about 6:00 pm. At these times the buses run completely full and sometimes people arrive at their work very late, because the time between one and another is 20 minutes.

In my country these rush hours are a problem because the persons come back home by the time of lunch which is the same time that children leave school. Also some schools and colleges have diffferent schedules, in the morning or in the afternoon and most universities are at night.

In the U.S. the rush hours are completely different because there are two hours in the mornng ans evening. The trains and buses arrive on time and there are more services than in my country.

As to business most of them open at the same time as in U.S. with the difference that they have two schedules in the day as almost everything. In terms of appointments, they are never on time,on one hand because doctors don't arrive on time and on the other hand people arrive late. There are not differences for the U.S.

In hotels the time is different. There are open 24 hours for people that have arrived from other cities at late hours. Some restaurants are open until 3:00 am for two reasons: one is that people leave dance clubs or bars at this time; and the other is that the cities are not safe at night. In contrast in U.S. the dance clubs and bars have happy hours and they are open all night.

The time in my country passed very slowly. This is because people take things with non-stress. Also they take Saturday and Sunday to spend more time with their families. Everyone takes one month of vacation once a year. The families go to rest in quiet places like towns or places near the beach and they forget their problems.

The kids spend their times playing many kinds of sports, especially soccer and making new friends in parks, or their parents send them to grandparents.

In this country there is more stress because the schedules for jobs always have to be on time. People work more hours than in my country, including weekends. They have only a few days for vacation or in other cases they never have time to relax. Some times kids don't go to vacation because of the parents' job.

I think however, as in all cities people would take a time for relax of problems of daily life.

telc students and teacher

when I lived in japan I was very lost about time becouse. alot of my friends are not on time for our
But most people are on time to go to school or work becouse punctuality is important rule in our coutry.
howevwr , some people are not on time for their apointments with them friends
Since i came to the USA time is more important becouse American people think time is money and most
people are very busy in the USA. I think time is very
important in this country.

Cultural Differences:Time in the U.S. and in My Country

There are cultural differences in time between USA and my country. In USA, people usually arrive on time:lunch with friend,class at school,job interview etc. But in Korea, some people think it is not a big-deal to be late to their appointment. Nevertheless, they think it is a kind of manner. On their way to a meeting place, they are already late, they call on a cellular phone. "Sorry,I'm late." They think they are not wrong.

For people in the USA, a appointment is very important between some people and others. To be late for an appointment is an impolite thing although it is not illegal. It is a kind of moral thing. People figure out those who are late are a kind of rude person and don't like to make a promise again.

In korea, people are always late for their appointment. There are always some students who are late for their lecture. My friend is always late for our appointment more and more. Because most people have their cellular phone, they think to be late is fine. They just tell their being late on a phone. It is difficult to find late people in job interview. If there is, they don't blame themselves. They do traffic jam or other reason.

telc students and teacher

telc students and teacher

Time in the U.S. and in my country

This is my first time when I came here to the United States. Here, I saw something different between the United States and my country. One example is time.

Time is important in the United State but in Thailand it is not. I arrived to the United States in early December 2005.
I felt that the people in this country hurry all the time. At rush hours in subway stations, I saw a lot of people who were waiting for a train. On the other hand, there were a little bit of people who were waiting for the train in my country at rush hours. And one thing, department stores or shops in my country will close at 9pm, maybe 10pm, but in the United States they will close at 7pm. In the universities you can come late but in the United States you must enter class on time.

It is import if you come the United States you have to adjust yourself. Although the time is different you can live here happily.

telc students and teacher


In my country the people start to work at 6:00am or 8:00am, depending on who does the job, for which reason everybody lives in a hurry. Some people have one hour for lunch, the time for lunch is at 1:00pm. Some people don't have time for lunch, so these people have to have lunch when they can.

In my country we don't have trains. A few years ago the most popular system for transportation was the public transportation (busses), but, in the last years there appeared ane bus called "Transmilenio", the Transmilenio it is a large bus (some people catch transmilenio and other people catch the bus, depending on when the need to go). This is the same as a train but it is not a train. This transport arrives at a specific time at the stations, and many people use this transport because the last busses that the people catch are not in service in some places.

Some times the Transmilenio does arrived on time and every time it is full. For going to the stations you can catch another bus called "alimentador". some of the people in my country arrive on time when tehy have an important appointment, for example when they have to go to doctor, but sometimes the doctor does not arrive on time.
You should arrive on time at school or university. In the school the director closes the principal door at one specific time, and if you arrived later is probable that you will win a an admonishment. In the university some professors don't care if you arrive late but some professors do.

In order to make more money and not lose their job, some people are very punctual at the job or for an a apointment. This shows that you are very responsable and you know how to manage your time.

In my country the day to go to the pub almost always friday. I think that fun in some pub is most inexpensively in my country, contrast to U.S.A.
Somethings are ilogical, some people in my country don't have money to pay the rent, to buy milk,etc. but these people always have money for fun and going to the pub. Sometimes these people are poor people that not have a stable job, also these pople have many children, some times with differents women. In contrast some times the rich people don't have many children, are single and living alone in a expensive house or apartment, these people work every day and had relations with important people. This people make parties and cocktails where only the rich people go.

telc students and teacher

Diferen Betwen NYC & Ecuador

Im Fron Ecuador and I have to talk about the differen betwen New York and Guayaquil-Ecuador my country.
I think mi country is to slower than New York.The day in New York is fast.Another difference is that my country doesnt have a subway only bus and taxis but one year ago Korean gave money to my city for the construction of Metro Via.This Is the same as a Subway.
Another differen is tha my country has a lot of poor people and is difficult for somebody who wants to find a job but in New York i guess it is easier to find a job.
This country gives faccility to make appointments you dont have to wait a lot of time but in my country you spend a lot of time for any appointments.
One differen that I miss and I think is very important is that in my country you have more time to stay together with you family and friends.

telc students and teacher

When I lived in Elmhurst, I was fine. However, Since I moved to Flushing I wasn't happy. I felt uncomfortable while living in Flushing. Normally, the 7 train was controled by schedule, but usually it didn't work! When I arrived st school, I wasn't in a good mood. Although I came late, I didn't say sorry to my teacher. Had he known about my situation? Of course not. But, he might have guessed. Because, my teacher was both perceptive and sympathetic!

telc students and teacher

When I lived in Elmhurst, I was fine. However, Since I moved to Flushing I wasn't happy. I felt uncomfortable while living in Flushing. Normally, the 7 train was controled by schedule, but usually it didn't work! When I arrived st school, I wasn't in a good mood. Although I came late, I didn't say sorry to my teacher. Had he known about my situation? Of course not. But, he might have guessed. Because, my teacher was both perceptive and sympathetic!

telc students and teacher

Review Passed Time Taeyang Ryu

Nobody can maintain their life without dimension, space and time. We live in the same dimension. But, we live in different time and space. So, there's a difference in using time between country and country, person and person. We are always making appointments and we already realize that we should go to the appointment on time. I have just a few American friend, so I don't know exactly their time custom. However a few of my friends are punctual for appointment time. Koreans have a Korea Time. This means Koreans are always late 20 or 30 minutes. If they make an appointment. But it's an old passion before 10 years. nowadays most Koreans come to the space, appoint store or street, on time.
I think city scale is more reflected in the use of time than which country. New York is always busy. Nobody wants to stop their own way and people always shout fast, fast. I think it's not because New York is in America. Even New jersey people don't hurry up. In
Korea the situation is the same. Seoul is the capital of Korea. 10 million people there live and they are always busy. Just like New Yorkers. Metropolitan people are busy. their search for money and information. they desire success. They can't afford to feel their time passing. Time always flows. SO, it's important to review their passed time. probably we can find ourselves and what our problem is. I want to be a person who can review passed time.

telc students and teacher

What's the difference between time in the U.S.A and my country.
The time in my country is ahead of than that New York by about eleven hours but the routine of the people who live in my country.
Moreover, New York is a competitive city and New Yorker have a lot of things to do. That's why they have to make it fast. I lived in Bangkok. It's a competitive place too but it's not as much. In the meantime, I hope, I will be happy in New York.

telc students and teacher

telc students and teacher: "and teacher "

telc students and teacher

Cultural Differences: Time in the USA nad in my country

Around the world there are different cultures and each one has specific ways to live. However, there are a lot of similar things between them.

The US is a country where you always can find hurring people but in the mornings or nigths it is horrible. There is traffic, people walking or running to get the bus or the subway. People can get stress easily because all the conditions are terrible. But this happens in my country too, Colombia where, from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM the traffic is chaotic, on the streets there are lot of people, cars, buses but never is so bad as New York city.

About the trains I can't say anything because we dont use trains. Buses have a different system in my country. You can find a lot of buses that go to the places you need to go whenever. Is my duty says that now we have Transmilenio and it uses a system that seems like the train system; the only difference is that it uses buses.

Appointments are so important in my country. Since I was a child my father always told me how important it is to be on time. It doesn't matter what kind of appointment it is, you must be punctual; that was what my father said. But, in Colombia also there are people that never worry about time although at schools it is very important to be on time. Time is so important that when someone forgots his/her watch he/she may feel naked.

New York seems like my country. People always are hurring to the appointments. Also business appointment are more important than fun appointments. In both countries people are used to being 15 minutes early for businees and for a party people are usually arrive 15 or 30 minutes after the agreed hour.

Alejandro Vesga

My personality

When I was in a high school, I was a timid person. However, since I served in the Korean Navy I have become a more active person.

I met a lot of people while serving. I was laughed at by some funny people. When I was a high school student, I didn't speak a lot. Although I was a quiet person, I had many friends. Had I been a unusual person? I asked myself. I was both wondrous and curious. I wanted to change and I wanted a more active life.

If I didn't go to the Navy, I wouldn't be able to meet many people who are from other cities. On the other hand, I , also, had a lot of funny friends. They sent to the Korean Army later by the Military Service. In contrast, some friends have served up to now.

telc students and teacher

Time in the U.S. and in my Country
- Alex WangQi
There are many cultural differences between the U.S. and my country.
One is the Time difference. In the U.S. it is the day now, but it's the night in my country. There is almost a 12-hour difference.
Also, there are few differences about trains on time and people on time. Forexample, in the U.S. the subway must be on time. They have their own exact schedule. In my country, althought they have the schedule, it always late, and people never care about this. Because people are always late, there are many lateness in people's mind. For example, if some friends late by 30min, people don't mind. But in the U.S. we must be on time, and if you are late, American people will think you are not polite.
Anyway people can leave afterwork or after school on time in the U.S.. But in China, many people don't leave after work or after school. They always used extra time to work or study.
So, each country has their own time style, we have to observe it.

"The cultural differenece: Time in the U.S and in my country"

"The cultural differenece: Time in the U.S and in my country"
-Danai Rattanawan-

I came from Thailand. I arrived in New York in December, 2005. I was very exited because I found many different things here. One of those is the cultural difference, Time in the U.S and in my country.

In my country, people keep on time only for important appoinments for example, business meeting, classes and any formal appointment. If they had an informal appointment, sometime they were late. The nature of Thai people is comfortable, so if they had an appointment with their friends they are not serious about keeping on time.

In another way, many people in business pay attention and they are serious about keeping on time. There is a large effect if you are late. If you want to keeping on time you must be careful about transportation because almost big cities in Thailand have traffic jam. May be you would late because of the traffic jam.

In conclusion, I think most counrties have cultures that emphasize keeping on time because prople must have business appointment. Therefore, it is very important to keep on time.

Difference between Korea and America

There is a lot of difference of time in Korea and America.

In my country, most people are usually in a hurry, but in my opinion Americans usually don't hurry. Because Koreans like speed, they behave fast. In a company, a higher officer wants fast progress from a lower officer. Not only don't Koreans want to wait in a long line, but a clerk also counts fast. Moreover, many drivers drive fast. Furthermore, the fastest internet line in the world is in Korea; in fact, the line speed is around 100 mega bytes a second, and almost all Koreans have internet lines in their home. My brother's university teacher said that the average having internet lines in their home was almost 100% in Korea. In short, Koreans like speed.

However, there are a lot of problems, too. In a hurry, it is easy to get angry. Also, there are a lot of accidents because of the fast driving, more so than in other countries. However, the children use the internet easier than before, and it causes many problems; for example, children use computers lots of time, furthermore, sometimes they join adults' home pages, which aren't good for children. Also, adults spend too much time using computers, such as online games. Not only don't they exercise, but they get exhausted more easily.

At first in this country, it was hard for me to do things more slowly. Now, it's okay. Also I think there are lots of benefits and disadvantages.

Those are cultural differences. Both countries' time culture brings many benefits and disadvantages. If you are in Korea, you should follow Korean culture and rules. Also, I'm following and trying to follow American culture and rules. There is no grade between both cultures. I like both cultures.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


These are instructions:

We are here for one hour. Use Microsoft Word to write about

Cultural Differences: Time in the U.S. and in My Country.

That's the title. Write a brief introduction and begin the body.

Double space for corrections from the teacher. Make paragraphs.

You can't finish in one hour. When you finish the introduction, make a print to give Kevin. Then continue writing the body.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Welcome Spring students. This blog is for our class. You can post your writing here and read writing by your classmates. Just click BLOG THIS at the top and type in the password and user name.