Monday, April 17, 2006


The time in the U.S. doesn't have the same meaning as the time in my country. However to be on time also has a different meaning. If "Time is money" in the U.S. in my country "Life is take one's time.

People always are in a hurry in the U.S., while nobody rushes in my hometown. For appointments between friends, they are really patient because you can make an appointment with a friend for 2 P.M. andhe will be there may be at 4 P.M. so, people have patience.

If the most important thing is your presence for a friendly appointment even if you come late; people older than you don't accept you being late.Those old people must not wait for young people. To be on time in this situation means respect.

Areas are close and easy to access, so there are no trains. Most of the time there is no traffic jam or just for a few moment. People can get quickly to their destination.

When you have an appointment for a public service you have to keep calm, because even if you are ahead of time the staff never is on time.

In the U.S. people always look at the watch. It is surprising but in my hometown nobody watches the time. When they are late in the U.S. People get stress.When they miss something they are nervous. In my hometown they just take it easy and try to figure it out.

Anyway, both cultures have theirs avantages and disavantages, right now people travel a lot and start to adopt European and American culture.They feel a little bit offended when you are lste.


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