Monday, April 17, 2006

telc students and teacher

Diferen Betwen NYC & Ecuador

Im Fron Ecuador and I have to talk about the differen betwen New York and Guayaquil-Ecuador my country.
I think mi country is to slower than New York.The day in New York is fast.Another difference is that my country doesnt have a subway only bus and taxis but one year ago Korean gave money to my city for the construction of Metro Via.This Is the same as a Subway.
Another differen is tha my country has a lot of poor people and is difficult for somebody who wants to find a job but in New York i guess it is easier to find a job.
This country gives faccility to make appointments you dont have to wait a lot of time but in my country you spend a lot of time for any appointments.
One differen that I miss and I think is very important is that in my country you have more time to stay together with you family and friends.


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