Monday, April 17, 2006

"The cultural differenece: Time in the U.S and in my country"

"The cultural differenece: Time in the U.S and in my country"
-Danai Rattanawan-

I came from Thailand. I arrived in New York in December, 2005. I was very exited because I found many different things here. One of those is the cultural difference, Time in the U.S and in my country.

In my country, people keep on time only for important appoinments for example, business meeting, classes and any formal appointment. If they had an informal appointment, sometime they were late. The nature of Thai people is comfortable, so if they had an appointment with their friends they are not serious about keeping on time.

In another way, many people in business pay attention and they are serious about keeping on time. There is a large effect if you are late. If you want to keeping on time you must be careful about transportation because almost big cities in Thailand have traffic jam. May be you would late because of the traffic jam.

In conclusion, I think most counrties have cultures that emphasize keeping on time because prople must have business appointment. Therefore, it is very important to keep on time.


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