Thursday, October 04, 2012

Notes on Ibrahim's post


Thank you for posting your summary and comments. I've written about them below.

Italian scintists have found that the chemical in the brain which makes us romantic disappears over a year . They say this explains why the happy , wonderful and confident feelings we experience at the start of a relathionship do not last forever.

-Yes, this gives the main idea of the article. Two words are incorrectly spelled, "scientists and "relationship." 

But in Saudi Arabia you cant have girl friend because the religon say that . If you want girl friend you most married .

-"Can't" is a "CONTRACTION" (short written form) of "CANNOT." It needs an APOSTROPHE ('), so "cant" is incorrect.

"Girlfriend" (one word) needs an "INDEFINITE ARTICLE" ("a"). The correct form is "you can't have a girlfriend").

Remember: In the present tense there's an "s" after the VERB if the SUBJECT is 3rd person singular. 

In English there's

1st person singular= "I"
 1st person plural= "We"
2nd person singular= "You"
2nd person plural= "They"
3rd person singular= "He, "She" or "It"
3rd person plural= "They"

In this sentence, "religion" is  3rd person singular.

"The religion says that" is correct.

"must" is the correct spelling (not "most")

After "must" (or "can," "do," "should," "will," et cetera, the VERB is BASE FORM (the BASE FORM is the dictionary form, with no "ed," "ing" et cetera.

so "must marry" (not "must married") is correct. 

"If" is a conjunction. If you begin a SENTENCE with a CONJUNCTION, you need a COMMA (,) at the end of the first CLAUSE.


(a clause is a SUBJECT + VERB)

This is correct: "If you want a girlfriend, you must marry."

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Italian scintists have found that the chemical in the brain which makes us romantic disappears over a year . They say this explains why the happy , wonderful and confident feelings we experience at the start of a relathionship do not last forever. 

But in Saudi Arabia you cant have girl friend because the religon say that . If you want girl friend you most married .

notes on Aleyda's post


Thanks for writing so generously. I have made some comments below:

My boyfriend and me have a very romantic relationship. We fell in love at first sing. I was 15 years old and He was 18 years old. I saw him in his Aunt home. He came from the city to my  small town Estanzuelas. There was I born in 1988. I have lived there since 2005. We meet on street on front at his Aunt's house at moment we saw together the first time. I felt butterflies in stomach and sweaty palms. He given a stared look with sweet eyes. He was smile me and quickly my face turned red later  he walked close to me and he asked me. What is your beautiful mane? I was so nervous my voice couldn't come out. I was frozen for couples of seconds. I was answer him with a nervous "my name is  Mary" it is my middle nick name from Marisela, then I asked him What is your name. He answered me Rafael. One second later he holds my hands and I rubbed his right back hand. My heart started to beat more faster of normal. Three days later that it happen he has left from  the town go back to the city. When he said me goodbye I felt sad and him too. One month after him started to write me love letters every 2 weeks. Four months later when he got his vacation's school. He came again to Eztanzuelas to visit his family. That day throw off his personal stuff and he saluted everyone in his Aunt's house. Quickly he took his Uncle's bicycle to went two blocks down from his Aunt's house to my house's block there I was play soccer with friends. While I saw him my body started to shake when he got off from bicycle him started to go closer to me and we got the first goodnight kiss when he kiss me. I felt the time stop and we flew in our own sky ....

Your writing is mostly correct. There are some minor errors. This is the corrected version:

 My boyfriend and I  have a very romantic relationship. We fell in love at first sight. I was 15 years old and he was 18 years old. I saw him in his aunt's home. He came from the city to my  small town, Estanzuelas, where I was  born in 1988. I have lived there since 2005.

We met on the  street on front off his aunt's house. At the  moment we saw each other the first time, I felt butterflies in my stomach and sweaty palms. He gave a staring look with sweet eyes (or just: He stared  with sweet eyes). He  smiled at me and quickly my face turned red.  Later, he walked close to me and he asked me, "What is your beautiful name?" I was so nervous my voice couldn't come out. I was frozen for a  couples of seconds. I  answered him with a nervous "My name is  Mary," which is my middle nick name from Marisela. Then I asked him, "What is your name?' He answered me Rafael. One second later he held my hands and I rubbed the back of his right hand. My heart started to beat  faster than normal.

 Three days after it happened he  left   the town to go back to the city. When he said goodbye to me, I felt sad and he did too. One month later, he started to write me love letters every 2 weeks. Four months later when he got his school's vacation, he came again to Eztanzuelas to visit his family. That day he threw off his personal stuff and he saluted everyone in his aunt's house. Quickly he took his uncle's bicycle to go two blocks down from his aunt's house to my house's block,  where I was playing soccer with friends. When I saw him, my body started to shake. When he got off his bicycle he started to go closer to me, and we got the first goodnight kiss when he kissed me. I felt time stop and we flew in our own sky ....

Aleyda,  you should check out the correction to improve the English. Your writing is very good. The story is vivid and shows how even small details become rich with meaning  at moments like yours and your boyfriend's. And you show that all love stories are similar but each one is completely different, unique.

Romantic Love (Aleyda)

My boyfriend and me have a very romantic relationship. We fell in love at first sing. I was 15 years old and He was 18 years old. I saw him in his Aunt home. He came from the city to my  small town Estanzuelas. There was I born in 1988. I have lived there since 2005. We meet on street on front at his Aunt's house at moment we saw together the first time. I felt butterflies in stomach and sweaty palms. He given a stared look with sweet eyes. He was smile me and quickly my face turned red later  he walked close to me and he asked me. What is your beautiful mane? I was so nervous my voice couldn't come out. I was frozen for couples of seconds. I was answer him with a nervous "my name is  Mary" it is my middle nick name from Marisela, then I asked him What is your name. He answered me Rafael. One second later he holds my hands and I rubbed his right back hand. My heart started to beat more faster of normal. Three days later that it happen he has left from  the town go back to the city. When he said me goodbye I felt sad and him too. One month after him started to write me love letters every 2 weeks. Four months later when he got his vacation's school. He came again to Eztanzuelas to visit his family. That day throw off his personal stuff and he saluted everyone in his Aunt's house. Quickly he took his Uncle's bicycle to went two blocks down from his Aunt's house to my house's block there I was play soccer with friends. While I saw him my body started to shake when he got off from bicycle him started to go closer to me and we got the first goodnight kiss when he kiss me. I felt the time stop and we flew in our own sky ....

Monday, October 01, 2012

Notes on Hajime's post


You have answered a large question. I've written some notes below about it.

what do you think about romantic love?

-The grammar is correct, but "What" needs a CAPITAL LETTER ("What") because it starts the sentence. That's easy to forget, but you should make it a habit.

Article saying is romantic feeling , wonderful and confident  , we experienced at the first of relationship do not continue forever by decreasing NGF than for falling in love.
 NGF increased by romantic love   ,also getting palms sweat and  butterflies in

"Article" needs a DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") because we are sure which article ("the article," not "an article" or "some article"). There's only one, so it's "the."

It's a good sentence and a very interesting one. The grammar is good but needs some small changes. 

The correct verb form is "says." 


In this case, the OBJECT has 2 parts (they are: subject+verb)

SUBJECT ("the article") +
VERB ("says") +
OBJECT (subject+ verb)
subject:"romantic feeling, wonderful and confident, we experience at the beginning of a relationship")
verb ("does not last forever")

Correction" The article says romantic feeling, wonderful and confident, we experience at the beginning of a relationship does not last forever."

(remember, it's "the beginning," with DEFINITE ARTICLE "the"

-You should make  new sentences for the next part of your summary:

This is possible: "We get sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach when we fall in love because NGF is increased by romantic love, but  according to the article NGF decreases after just a year."

You wrote both a summary of the article and a comment about the special case of Japan and then gave your own opinion.

In japan there are problem  that half of youth people  has no boyfriend and no girlfriend and then gets marry latter than 10 years ago.

That sentence is almost perfect. The SENTENCE STRUCTURE is correct. There are small problems.

"Japan" needs  a CAPITAL "J" because it is the name of a country.

"There are problem" should be "There is a problem" because the sentence is about 1 problem.

"Youth" is a NOUN. You can use "youth" alone (without "people"- "half of youth" is correct)  or the "ADJECTIVE, "young" with "people" ("young people" is correct)

If you use "young people" the VERB should be "have" and "gets" should be "get" because the SUBJECT "people" is PLURAL. Only use "s" at the end of a VERB if the SUBJECT is "he," "she" or "it" and the sentence is PRESENT TENSE (this one is PRESENT TENSE).

after "get" the verb should be PAST PARTICIPLE ("married")

Another example of "get + PAST PARTICIPLE" is "I got lost on the subway."

"Later" is the correct spelling. 

Correction: "In Japan there is a problem that half of young people (or "youth") have no boyfriend and no girlfriend and then get marrried later than ten years ago."

But i think i need romantic love for everyone  to keep my fit and emotion.

-This sentence would be correct if we change the second "I" and "my" to "everyone" and "their"

-Also it needs a VERB ("is")

The STRUCTURE is this: SUBJECT ("I") + VERB ("think") + OBJECT ("everyone needs romantic love to ...")

"Need" changes to "needs" because "everyone" is SINGULAR and the sentence is PRESENT TENSE.

Correction: "I think everyone need romantic love  to keep their fitness and emotional health."

("fitness" and "emotional health" are NOUNS)

 Remember that "I" is always a CAPITAL LETTER.  You should make a habit of using it.

By the way, I agree with you that everyone needs romantic love  to keep their  fitness and emotional health.

Comments about Phuangnam's post


Thanks for writing a conversation. I've written some comments about it below.

1 A: How long did you a  soccer last?
   B: It last 1 or 2 hr.

2 A: How long did the movie last?
   B: It last 3 hr.

 In the answers to 1 and 2, the verb must be PAST TENSE, "lasted."

3 A: How long was your last holiday?
   B: My last holiday it last week ago.

 Question 3 is correct.

The answer should be: "My last holiday lasted one week."

The second "last" means "continued"

You could also answer correctly, "My last holiday was one week."

If you use "ago" in your answer, the question has to be "when" not "how long."

-"When was your last holiday?"

-"My last holiday was a week ago."

Remember that "last" has 2 meanings.

1. ADJECTIVE: for example, "last night," "last week."

2. VERB (meaning "continue"): for example, "the party lasted five hours."  

4 A: How long was your last a good time with your family?
   B: I think it last 6 month before i came to New York.

 In 4, the correct question is "when."

A: When was your last good time with your family?

B: I think it was 6 months before I came to New York.

"Last" is an adjective ("my last good time")

You can use "last" as a verb this way, with "how long":

How long + did+ SUBJECT (your good time with your family+ VERB ("last")

"How long did your good time with your family last?"

SUBJECT ("It") + VERB PAST TENSE ("lasted") + TIME

"It lasted 2 days."

You can also use both ADJECTIVE "last" and VERB "last" in the same sentence.

"How long did your last good time with your family last?"

5 A: How long did a train take to get from home to work?
   B: It took me 45 minute.

5 is correct, but "train" should have a DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") because we are sure which train it is ("the train")

6 A: How long did you drink with your friends last night?
   B: It took whole night

That's correct. Here again "whole night" should have a DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") because we are sure which night. It was last night.

"It took the whole night" is correct. 

Another correct answer for number 6 is this:

"We drank the whole night."

7 A: How long does you take a shower everyday?
   B: It take me 15 minute.

-Does" is with "he," "she" or "it," not with "you." 

-In the PRESENT TENSE the VERB after "he," "she" or "it" needs an "s"

-"15 minutes" is PLURAL (needs an "s"). 

Correct: "How long do you..."

Correct: "It takes me..

8 A: How long did your do home work last night?
   B: It took me 20 minute.

 8 is correct, but "20 minutes" is PLURAL (needs an "s").

Another correct question for 8 is: "How long did it take you to do homework last night?"

notes on Gil ju's post

Gil ju,

The first sentence is an elegant statement of the article's main idea. You wrote it as a question, and I think that's right. The writer of the article tells us about the research but doesn't tell us if it is correct or not. When we read, we ask the question.

I've written some comments on your summary below it.

Does love bug bite sting only last one year? Researchers at an italian university say they discovered the chemical that causes symptoms that people feel during romance only last one year. Fifty eight volunteers showed love like symptions of sweaty palms and butterfly in stomach. These signs go away when relationship last longer and is more secure.

"Love bite sting" needs an ARTICLE. Both INDEFINITE ARTICLE ("a") and DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") would be correct.

The "i" in "Italian" needs to be capital, because it is a name of a place.

The grammar of the second sentence is completely correct.

"Love like" needs a HYPHEN ("-") because you connect the two words as an ADJECTIVE. The correct form, then, is "love-like symptoms" (there's a misspelling of "symptoms").

"Stomach" needs a DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") or should be PLURAL ("stomachs"). The sentence is not about only one stomach. You can write about stomachs in general (all people's stomachs) with both "the stomach" or "stomachs."

For example, "The penguin is a large bird" or "Penguins are large birds." Both mean "all penguins."

"Relationship" needs an INDEFINITE ARTICLE ("a") or to be PLURAL (with no article).

"when a relationship..." (INDEFINITE ARTICLE "a", not DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") because the meaning is "any relationship," not "one specific relationship."

If you use "the relationship," the verb "last" needs an "s" at the end, because the SUBJECT ("the relationship") is THIRD PERSON SINGULAR ("he," "she" or "it") and the sentence is PRESENT TENSE.

If you use the PLURAL ("relationships"), "last" is "correct" but of course "is" must change to "are."

Gil ju Yang Romantic love

Does love bug bite sting only last one year? Researchers at an italian university say they discovered the chemical that causes symptoms that people feel during romance only last one year. Fifty eight volunteers showed love like symptions of sweaty palms and butterfly in stomach. These signs go away when relationship last longer and is more secure.