Monday, October 01, 2012

Notes on Hajime's post


You have answered a large question. I've written some notes below about it.

what do you think about romantic love?

-The grammar is correct, but "What" needs a CAPITAL LETTER ("What") because it starts the sentence. That's easy to forget, but you should make it a habit.

Article saying is romantic feeling , wonderful and confident  , we experienced at the first of relationship do not continue forever by decreasing NGF than for falling in love.
 NGF increased by romantic love   ,also getting palms sweat and  butterflies in

"Article" needs a DEFINITE ARTICLE ("the") because we are sure which article ("the article," not "an article" or "some article"). There's only one, so it's "the."

It's a good sentence and a very interesting one. The grammar is good but needs some small changes. 

The correct verb form is "says." 


In this case, the OBJECT has 2 parts (they are: subject+verb)

SUBJECT ("the article") +
VERB ("says") +
OBJECT (subject+ verb)
subject:"romantic feeling, wonderful and confident, we experience at the beginning of a relationship")
verb ("does not last forever")

Correction" The article says romantic feeling, wonderful and confident, we experience at the beginning of a relationship does not last forever."

(remember, it's "the beginning," with DEFINITE ARTICLE "the"

-You should make  new sentences for the next part of your summary:

This is possible: "We get sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach when we fall in love because NGF is increased by romantic love, but  according to the article NGF decreases after just a year."

You wrote both a summary of the article and a comment about the special case of Japan and then gave your own opinion.

In japan there are problem  that half of youth people  has no boyfriend and no girlfriend and then gets marry latter than 10 years ago.

That sentence is almost perfect. The SENTENCE STRUCTURE is correct. There are small problems.

"Japan" needs  a CAPITAL "J" because it is the name of a country.

"There are problem" should be "There is a problem" because the sentence is about 1 problem.

"Youth" is a NOUN. You can use "youth" alone (without "people"- "half of youth" is correct)  or the "ADJECTIVE, "young" with "people" ("young people" is correct)

If you use "young people" the VERB should be "have" and "gets" should be "get" because the SUBJECT "people" is PLURAL. Only use "s" at the end of a VERB if the SUBJECT is "he," "she" or "it" and the sentence is PRESENT TENSE (this one is PRESENT TENSE).

after "get" the verb should be PAST PARTICIPLE ("married")

Another example of "get + PAST PARTICIPLE" is "I got lost on the subway."

"Later" is the correct spelling. 

Correction: "In Japan there is a problem that half of young people (or "youth") have no boyfriend and no girlfriend and then get marrried later than ten years ago."

But i think i need romantic love for everyone  to keep my fit and emotion.

-This sentence would be correct if we change the second "I" and "my" to "everyone" and "their"

-Also it needs a VERB ("is")

The STRUCTURE is this: SUBJECT ("I") + VERB ("think") + OBJECT ("everyone needs romantic love to ...")

"Need" changes to "needs" because "everyone" is SINGULAR and the sentence is PRESENT TENSE.

Correction: "I think everyone need romantic love  to keep their fitness and emotional health."

("fitness" and "emotional health" are NOUNS)

 Remember that "I" is always a CAPITAL LETTER.  You should make a habit of using it.

By the way, I agree with you that everyone needs romantic love  to keep their  fitness and emotional health.


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