Saturday, May 07, 2016

Agnes, Akesksandra and Karina

Look at the original sentences and corrections

original: Dr. Alfredo Hinojosa came to the United States when he have 16 years old.

Change have to was.

original: His first job in the U.S. was a migrant farm worker.


original: He is from small town name Mexicali that is a border of Mexico and California.

Correction: He is from a small town named Mexicali that is on the border of Mexico and California.

original: When he was six years old Alfredo's have his first job at his father's gas station.

Change "Alfredo's" to "Alfredo."

Change "have" to "had"

original: Now Alfredo is a neurosurgeon and cancer Resercher and Profesor at Johns Hopkins University.

"Resercher" and "Profesor" are misspelled. Also, they should not begin with capital letters.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

from Zunilda, Alinton and Anadelfa

Alfredo Hinojosa

20 years ago He came frome mexico.

There is a spelling mistake.

"He" is not a name, so the "h" should not be capital (he)

Mexico is a name, so the "M" should be capital (M)

20 years ago he came from Mexico.

He was five years old He worked in his father small gas station

This should be one sentence connected with the "conjunction" when

When he was five years old He worked in his father small gas station,

But that is still incorrect.

The "He" in the middle should not have a capital "H." It is not a name.

"father" is possessive. It should end with "apostrophe s" (father's)

That's a complete sentence, so it should end with a period, not a comma.

When he was five years old, he worked in his father's small gas station.

In 1970 Mexico economic went down,

"economic" is an adjective that modifies a noun (for example: economic crisis, economic resurgence, economic problems)

The noun is "economy."

The correct form is "the Mexican economy" or "the economy of Mexico."

That is a complete sentence, so it should end with a period.

In 1970 the economy of Mexico went down.

he was 18 years old and he worked a teacher.

The sentence should start with a capital letter.

There should be a comma before "and"

"as" should be between "work" and "a teacher." (as a teacher)

He was 18 years old, and he worked as a teacher.

But the money he made wasn't enought for take care his family.

There is one misspelled word.

"for take care" should be "to take care"

"take care his family" should be "take care of his family)

But the money he made wasn't enough to take care of his family.

that's why he decided to come to u.s.

The sentence should begin with a capital letter.

"He" is not a name, so the "h" should not be capital.

If the name of a country is more than one word, it usually begins with "the."

The U.S.

The Czech Republic

The People's Republic of China

Also, The U.S. is the name of a country, so "U.S." should be capitalized.

He decided to come to the U.S.

His first job in u.s. was farmworker,

This is a complete sentence, so it should end with a period, not a comma

"u.s." should be "The U.S."

His first job in the U.S. was farmworker.

He pick up tomatoes, cotton, cantaloup.

"pick up" should be only "pick," a verb with a specific application to agriculture.

He picked up his shoes.

He picked up his daughter at school.

but: He picked vegetables.

In the sentence "pick" should be simple past tense (picked)

There is one misspelled word in the sentence.

If the sentence has a list, there should be a comma before the last item (tomatoes, cotton and cantaloupe)

He picked  tomatoes, cotton and cantaloupes.

His cousin told him you going to do that for the Rest of you life.

"Rest" is not a name, so the "r" should not be capital.

"you going to" should be "you are going to"

'you life" is a possessive construction. "you" should be possessive "your"

The spoken part of the sentence should be separated by a comma and quotation marks (') and should begin with a capital letter

His cousin told him, "You are going to do that for the rest of your life."

and then he thougth is time to move and started to stury English.

It's a sentence, so it should start with a capital letter.

There are 2 misspelled words.

The verb should be "move on," which has a different meaning than "move."

"Move on" means finishing something and beginning something new.


After the argument, they agreed to move on.

He graduated from high school and moved on.

"he thought is time" is missing a subject. (it is time)

But the sentence is past tense, so it should be "it was time."

Then he thought it was time to move on and started to study English.

from Gladys, Yohana and Mariana

Alfredo Hinojosa is a Mexican Immigrant who came to United States twenty years ego.

Ego should be "ago."

Immigrant is not a name, so the first i should not be capital. It should be "immigrant."

When the name of a country is more than one word, there is usually "the" before it.

The United States

The Republic of South Korea

The United Kingdom

Alfredo Hinojosa is a Mexican immigrant who came to the United States twenty years ago.

His first job was Farmer Worker.

It should be "farm worker," and because it is not a name it should have no capital letters.

His first job was farm worker.

He studied English in a Community College,

That is a complete sentence. It should end with a period (.), not a comma (.)

Community College is a type of college, not the name of a particular college, so it should have no capital letters (community college).

He studied English in a community college.

after that Alfredo started to study Medicine in Harvard Medical School.

This is a complete sentence. It should begin with a capital letter

There should be a comma before "Alfredo."

"Medicine' is not a name, so there should not be a capital letter (medicine is correct).

After that, Alfredo started to study medicine in Harvard Medical School.

Alfredo Hinojosa, who is profesor in the University of California, is looking for a breakthrough in the treatment of brain Cancer.

Excellent construction.

"profesor" is misspelled. (professor)

There should be an indirect object (a or an) before professor (a professor)

Alfredo Hinojosa, who is a professor in the University of California, is looking for a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Alfredo says he owes so much of his success to the many people who have extended a hand to him throughout his life.

That's correct.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

from Jaime, Arminda, Erica and Janaina

Alfredo Quinones came to U.S. at 1970.

Alfredo Quinones came to the U.S. in 1970.

Most names of countries that have more than one word begin with "the"


The People's Republic of China

The Dominican Republic

The United States

He was born in Mexico, his first job at 5 age in the gas station with father.

This is 2 sentences, so there should be a period (.) at the end of the first sentence, after Mexico. And the "h" in "his" should be capitalized (His) because it is the start of a new sentence.

5 age should be the reverse, age 5.

"at age five" should be between commas (,). If there are no commas, it looks like Alfredo worked at more than one job at age five!

His first job, at age five,....

The second sentence should have a verb. "Was" is a good choice.

the gas station should be a gas station because there is not only one gas station in Mexico.

His first job, at age 5, was  in a gas station with his father.

He was born in Mexico. His first job, at age 5, was in a gas station with his father.

When he moved to the USA, his first job was farm worker,

USA should be U.S.A.

The sentence is complete and should end with a period (.), not a comma (,)

When he moved to the U.S.A., his first job was farm worker.

He lived in trailer.

Before "trailer," there should be an indefinite article (a or an).

He lived in a trailer.

the trailer was broken-down.

The sentence should start with a capital letter.

The trailer was broken-down.

His job was to pick up tomatoes and cottons.

"Pick up" should be only "pick," a verb specific to agriculture.

"cotton" is not countable. It can't be plural.

His job was to pick tomatoes and cotton.

Next, Alfredo went to study English in community college in University California,

This is a complete sentence and should end with a period, not a comma.

There should be an indefinite article (a or an) before "community college."

The c in community should be a small c, not capital, because it is not a name.

"University California" should be "The University of California." It is like Cuny, the City University of New York.

Next, Alfredo went to study English in a community college in the University of California.

then he studied Medicine in Harvard Now, Alfredo is professor and Doctor of brain cancer.

The sentence should begin with a capital letter.

Medicine is not a name, so it should not begin with a capital letter.

Doctor is not a name, so it also should not begin with a capital letter (unless you attach it to a person, as in Doctor Hinojosa.

Those are 2 sentences. There should be a period at the end of the first and a capital letter at the beginning of the second. You can find it

There should be an indefinite article before professor (a professor)

Then he studied medicine in Harvard. Now, Alfredo is a professor and doctor of brain cancer.

from Luis, Ingrid, Guillermo and Sandra

Alfredo come from Mexico to the U.S. of America, because crisis Mexico in 1970, and he was very poor.

"Come" should be past form, "came."

"the U.S. of America" is a mix of forms.

There are three corrections possible.

1. the U.S.A.

2. The United States of America

3. the U.S.

There should not be a comma (,) before "because"

because crisis Mexico

changes to: there was an economic crisis in Mexico

Alfredo came from Mexico to the U.S. because there was an economic crisis in Mexico in 1970, and he was very poor.

When he was five years old, he was worked with his father, in gas station.

Thee should not be a comma after father.

The verb "work" should be "simple past tense"

He worked.

There should be an "indefinite article" (a or an) before "gas station."

When he was five years old, he worked with his father in a gas station.

Alfredo was an ilegaly farm worker and he didn't speak english.

"illegally" is an adverb. "Illegal" is an adjective modifying the "noun phrase" "farm worker."

There should be a comma before "and."

English is the name of a language and should begin with a "capital letter."

Alfredo was an illegal farm worker, and he didn't speak English.

When he was 18 years old, he studied in community college ESL english.

There should be an indefinite article before "community college."

a community college.

ESL is English as a Second Language, so ESL ENGLISH is repetitive.

The place usually comes after the "verb" and object" (verb= studied, object= ESL
place= in a community college

studied ESL in a community college

When he was 18 years old, he studied ESL in a community college.

A teacher said to Alfredo, find a scholarships in Berkeley University, where Alfredo developed a passion for the scientific method.

There should be quotation marks " " around the spoken part.

Scholarships should be singular, scholarship

Berkeley is a college, not a university. It is part of the University of California, as LaGuardia is part of the City University of New York (CUNY)

University of California, Berkeley

A teacher said to Alfredo, "You should find a scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley," where Alfredo developed a passion for the scientific method.

After he went to Harvard Medical Center and he received his U.S. citizen.

"After" should be "after that," or "afterward,"

Harvard Medical Center should be Harvard Medical School.

A citizen is a person. The status is citizenship.

Afterward,  he went to Harvard Medical School and he received his U.S. citizenship.

Now, Alfredo is a neurosurgery and teacher in John's Hopkins University.

There shouldn't be an apostrophe (') in Johns

"neurosurgery" is a medical procedure. The doctor who practices it is a "neurosurgeon."

Now, Alfredo is a neurosurgeon and teacher at Johns Hopkins University.

from Rihmet, Jung Eun and Li Zhou

Alfredo Hinojosa

He was bored in Mexican.

He was born in Mexico.

He became a migrant farm worker.


Alfredo Hinojosa continued his schooling and became a teacher.


Be careful to leave more space between the words you write.

Today he is a neurosurgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins University

Correct, but the sentence needs a period (.) at the end.

Today he is a neurosurgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins University.

He realized it was time to move on

This sentence also lacks a period.

He realized it was time to move on.


He signed up for English classes at a community college where a teacher encouraged. him to attend the University of California.

Almost correct. There shouldn't be a period after encouraged. This is not two sentences. It is one sentence.

He signed up for English classes at a community college where a teacher encouraged him to attend the University of California.

It's good you made capital letters in all the correct places.