Thursday, March 08, 2012

(Summary) message about Andrei's story

Hi Martha,

I would like to tell you about an article I just read about a middle-aged man starting a new life in a new country . His name is Andrei and he came to New York from Russia, where he was a metallurgical engineer. He had a lot of responsibilities and a high salary, three times higher than the salary of his sister, who is a university professor.

Andrei wanted to study languages when he was young, but his parents forced him to go to engineering school. He believes that young people in his country respect their elders more than American young people do. Andrei is now studying Slavic languages at Hunter College. In the future, he wants to be a teacher and a translator. He works during the day as a cleaning man. He doesn't like his job- it is hard physically and emotionally- but he is ready to work hard to start his new life.



Tuesday, March 06, 2012

practice test answers

0. What country is the Taliban in? Afghanistan (and Pakistan)
00.Where is Osama Bin Laden from? Saudi Arabia
1. The person who sold Iranian resources to Britain at a dirt-cheap price: Shah One
2. The person who took power in Iran after Mossadegh was ousted? Shah Two
3. The U.S. president who agreed to help oust Mossadegh: Eisenhower
4. The person who took power in Iraq after Mossadegh's ouster? Shah Two
5. The U.S. president who refused to assist in the ouster of Mossadegh: Truman
6. The date of the Iranian revolution. Who took Americans hostage after it? the late 1970s. Students at Tehran University
7. The country that went to war against Iran after the revolution in Iran: Iraq
8. The country that controlled most of Iran's oil before Mossadegh: England
9. The country that controlled most of Iran's oil after Mossadegh? England again (when Mossadegh was prime minister, Iran controlled its own oil)
10. The country that occupied Afghanistan in the 80s: the Soviet Union
11. The U.S. president in the 80s: Ronald Reagan
12. The group that took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union left: the Taliban
13. the name of the book and writer that tells the recent history of Iran: "All the Shah's Men," by Stephen Kinzer
14. The country Osama Bin Laden spent time in before his return to Kabul: Sudan
15. The U.S. action that made Al Queda angriest (according to these notes): making a military base in Saudi Arabia(the land is considered holy by Islam)
16. The U.S. president at the time of the first Gulf War: Bush One
17. The two groups Saddam Hussein used WMD against: the Iranians and the Kurds.
18. the reason the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran: the Iranian revolution and the U.S. hostages
19. A reason the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan: transportation of oil by a pipeline there
20. When civil war broke out in Afghanistan: after the Afghans kicked out the Soviet Union.
21. The name of the strict Islamic law imposed by the Taliban: Sharia Law.
Claudia Agudo
Lina Carrasquilla
Andrea Norona

Brad and Angelina Jolie have the adoption of the two children  Maddox and Zahara .They have  Brat Pit's  family name .Angelina  adopted these two children in Ethopia and Cambodia .
Brad  and Anjelina Jolie  have successfully applied for the adoption Brad  is jumping for joy.
After four years of Brad P itt married an actress  Jennifer Aniston  he met  Angeline Jolie while making
a movie of Mrs . Mss Smith and  now they are together traveling around the world and getting photographed.