Thursday, September 25, 2008

Questions about Christian

You will hear and read his story later.

1. How old is Christian and where is he from?
2. What is his main problem?
3. Where does he live now?
4. Where did he work last summer?
5. What has he been searching for since then? Why do you think he started searching at that specific time?
6. What did he think might be the key to citizenship?
7. What does he see every morning when he takes the bus to school?
8. What are the men he sees waiting for?
9. How do the men look?
10. Does Christian know any of the men waiting outside for work?
11. What does he know he doesn't want to spend his life doing?
12. What makes him feel depressed?
13. What does he Christian want to do in the future?
14. Why does archeology interest him?
15. What evidence do the kids cite that Christian is a true Mexican? Are they serious or joking?
16. When and how did Christian come to the United States?
17. Does he remember Spanish perfectly?
18. Four years from now what will Christian’s friends be doing? At the same time, what two choices will Chrisitan have?
19. Why was Chirstian’s cousin Mikey thinking about joining the military?
20. What was the subject of the news special Mikey and Christian saw on the Hispanic television station?
21. Who is Jimmy Jay Arojave?
22. What is a “recruiter”?
23. How does Christian feel about recruiters he sees in his neighborhood?
24. Who is Carlos Arredondo?
25. Is Christian sure he wants to join the military or is he ambivalent?
26. Did Christian’s cousin Mikey try to join the military before or after January 2006?
27. What is the “dream act”?
28. Is the “dream act” law now or is it still being debated by congress?
29. What is the big difference between Christian’s situation and his brother’s?
30. Do you know Christian’s last name? Why or why not?

Coney Island


on our blog, write about a place in New York you have visited

1. The “heyday” of a place is the time when it was most active and popular (highschool was my brother’s heyday). What was the heyday of Coney Island?
2. In the heyday of Coney Island, what were the names of the three amusement parks there?
3. Coney Island began to deteriorate after its heyday. What year and what event were the beginning of Coney Island’s slow descent?
4. What is Luna Park now? What is Steeplechase now?
5. What is the name of the producer of this report?
6. The chamber of commerce is an office that helps tourists with information about a place. What is the name of the manager of the Coney Island Chamber of Commerce?
7. Someone telephones the chamber of commerce. What do they want information about? Why is that strange?
8. How long has Kennedy had his job?
9. Is his office simple or fancy?
10. What are three things in his office?
11. Does he have a computer?
12. What can he hear from the office?
13. What kind of telephone is there?
14. What do people call and want to know about? Why?
15. What is an idiom for “urinate”?
16. What is the name of the roller coaster at Coney Island? Is it still there?
17. Who is Walter Williams?
18. How long is the ride on the Cyclone?
19. What are four different things some people do after they get off the Cyclone?
20. What are two examples of sweet food available at Coney Island?
21. Where has John Dorman worked since 1947?
22. What is the name of the Famous hot dog stand at Coney Island and when did it open?
23. What is another word for “hot dog”?
24. Who are the two Sols?
25. What is the history of the hotdog?
26. What is the name of a movie star Sol Seiderman has served?
27. When Nathan’s first opened, what was the price of a hot dog?

Christian's story

Listen to and read the story of Christian. Take notes about Christian. Later
there will be questions.

click on LISTEN at the top.

Read and listen more than one time if you want.

When you finish, tell Kevin. He will give you questions.

If you have time after you answer the questions, you should go to our blog,
read your classmates' compositions and write comments.

This is how to post your comments:

go to

To comment on your classmates writing, click on
COMMENT under his or her composition.

in the new window click on POST A COMMENT

Write your comment

and user name and password:

user name:

password: studentteacher

When you finish, click on PUBLISH
YOUR COMMENT. I suggest you ask the writer a question.