Friday, March 04, 2005

telc students and teacher

href="">telc students and teacher

True story from my life

I had been lived in easy life just like a common married women in my country.
when I came here to new york about one year ago,
To tell the truth, I didn't know what I should do, and how long I had to stay.
But now, I had a big change of my life and had lot of experience last year.
When I depressed, My brother cheered me up and helped me.
I'll never forget his words that cheered me up and influenced me.
But he wasn't who changed my life.
I knew that It was by myself who changed my life.
As one person in my country, Not only korean women do get extension of women's
rights But they also are engagement of high quality women resources, Moreover
I want to be an autonomous person.
I'll live here all my life and decide by myself for my own life.

I'll continue studying English as possible as.
I would like to be a student without regard to my age.
I think qur teacher is the best teacher.
I would like to thanks for Kevin,always!
duckhee Jun

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My father had an accident

I had been in the grandmother’s house when my father had an accident. It was not until he drove the car for about 10 minutes that he saw a truck on the bridge. One minute after crashing, he got scared and braked his car. It was a few moments after turning on the radio that he reported to his company that things were well. No sooner did he react than the people helped him. My father explained how it happened .A short time afterward, the police arrived

Delia Padilla

Excited Delivery

Three years and a half after studying nursing program, I continued studying midwifing in six months. During I studied about process of delivery, I was excited. Some case of client was easy. It wasn’t until nurse had to check the cervix that it was fully dilated. A few minutes after opening completely, she delivered. No sooner did I understand the process than I felt amazed. The teacher gave assignments for me to practice delivery. For a whole after that I was frustrated and felt faint. Not until a few minutes after my focusing did the teacher assign me a patient to attend during labor. I had done delivery for 25 cases when I was graduated as a midwife. I was very proud of myself.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wednesday is Listening

Copy and Paste this URL. Read as you listen. It's very educational.