Monday, July 23, 2007

Who changed my life- jueun

When i saw her the first time, she walked to me and said hello. She is pretty tall, like me. But she was so cute. I was just tall, nothing special, but she had really clear white skin, a smile, long black hair and higher long eye brows. She looked like white snow. Every person near her looked at her. It seemed that everyone wanted to talk to her. As a result, I could not say anything except "YES". It was a strange answer.

In my elementary school days, I was prudent. I had many girfriends but I did not know how to make men be friends. At that time, if someboy made eye contact with me, I bowed my head with shame right away.

In the sixth grade of the elementary school, i could meet her and become close to her. She had a lot of friends who were a group of boys, so she could help me, she made me close to them and taught me how to talk to them naturally.

I am still friend with them. After that, I could make more friends. I have never seen her since I got to New York. Butwe have been connected since we met the first time.
She is one of my important people.


Blogger the blog said...

Sometimes a friend who is different can help one to find one's own hidden strengths.

Thu Jul 26, 06:52:00 PM  

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