Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hyojin Heo

When you and your partner arrived in New York (your first day)
I arrived in New York at 17Mar.
She arrived in New York 1 years ago.

Did you like New York?
I did like New York.
She did like New York.

Do you and your partner like New York now?
Yes, I like New York.
Yes,She likes  New York.

What is the best thing about New York, in your opinion and your partner's opinion?
In my opinion,the best thing about New York is I don't care about other people.
In Rina's opinion, NY  is best of freedom and friendly city.

What is your favorite place in New York? What is your partner's favorite place in New York?
My favorite place in New York is Central park.
Rina's favorite place in  New York is Dambo in Brooklyn.


Blogger the blog said...


You have a very positive attitude and an open mind. I'm glad you like New York, which is a city famous for open-minded people.

This is a correction of your writing:

When you and your partner arrived in New York (your first day)
I arrived in New York on March 17th.She arrived in New York 1 year ago.

Did you like New York?
I did like New York.
She did like New York.

Do you and your partner like New York now?
Yes, I like New York.
Yes, she likes New York.

What is the best thing about New York, in your opinion and your partner's opinion?
In my opinion, the best thing about New York is that I don't care about other people.
In Rina's opinion, N.Y. is the freest and a friendly city.

What is your favorite place in New York? What is your partner's favorite place in New York?
My favorite place in New York is Central park.
Rina's favorite place in New York is Dumbo in Brooklyn.

Tue Jun 12, 05:18:00 PM  

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