Saturday, November 06, 2010

Luis' answers

1. Chicago is a melting pot.

2. Madrid in Spain is a melting pot.

3. Every day in factories,restaurants, on construction sites, etc. millions of people work hard and pay their taxes. Most of the time immigrants do jobs that Americans wouldn't normally do.

4. Woodside- and i think it is a melting pot.

5. the population is increasing.

6. In my country the population is getting younger.

7. In the present day robots do some of the technical work and I think in the future robots will do most of the work and endanger people's jobs.


Blogger the blog said...


Your writing is good. There were no grammatical errors. The only error was about Woodside. The question was about your hometown. Your hometown is the town where you were born. For example, my brother lives in San Francisco, but his hometown is New York. Both those cities are melting pots, by the way.

Sat Nov 06, 02:36:00 PM  
Blogger the blog said...


Also: "Madrid in Spain" is correct, but usually people say (and write) "Madrid, Spain."

- Madrid, Spain is a melting pot

Sat Nov 06, 02:50:00 PM  

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