Monday, August 06, 2007

Willie "Test??"

I feel alone here because I don't have a girlfriend now.

Unlike in Korea, in New York I rarely have a chance to make a girlfriend.

Generally speaking, Americans like to do something with other people and people from Korea love to do something with other people.

Compared to Americans, who think the most important thing is private time to rest, for people in Korea, to be alone technically becomes the standard of behavior.

We, korean, tend to dislike extra charge such as tax and tip.

When I first came to New York, I was surprised to see many kinds of people.

In Korea, I hardly ever see people who come from another country.

Since I came here, I have scarcely thought about my health.

Since I came here, I have thought a lot about making friends who can speak English very well.

If someone make somebody wait for a longtime in Korea, It would be criticized for wasting time.

In my opinion, it is influenced by old people.

In contrast to American, who always tend to be kind, Korean sometimes tend to be rude.

China is a very big country, whereas the United States is a huge country.

My sister want to be a nice girl who can be respected.


Blogger the blog said...

The composition worked well until the end when you mentioned China.

Sun Aug 12, 12:15:00 AM  

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