Wednesday, April 13, 2005

telc students and teacher

A Difficult Decision
Yuko Namiki

I had make a decision which country I should go to study English, the U.S or
Australia ,when I was eighteen. I really like the ocean, which is clear and beautiful,
So I felt like going to Australia. However I also really love New York . There
are a lot of good things about of the countries. I not only like the ocean, but I also like big cites. Moreover ,I really like to live with a lot of people from other countries. I thought that was exactly NYC.

I was thinking about getting some advice from a woman who used to live in Michigan.
She said to me ,” If you want to learn American English ,the states is my recommend”. Then also she told me that I wanted to go to NY,I just need to be careful, because she thought NY was still dangerous ,so did my mother. However I insisted on going NY . In additional , the woman mentioned
“ If you learn English in NYC ,you are going to learn a lot of kinds of English and understand many type of accents.

Finally I decided going the big apple. Why did I chose it ? Because I just like it and want to live . I succeeded in choosing the big apple ,though .


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