Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laura, Nut, Woong and Viviana

teacher (Nut) : Hello everybody today we talk  about the American Independence
Esol (ViViana) : i don't understand
U.S. student (Woong) : It's boring 
other student (Laura) : Buuuuuuuu..
teacher : Since 1800 when the first American people come from the USA ......
Esol : (she starts to cry) 
US student :ViViana are you ok? 
Esol : No! i don't understand anything the teacher uses new words and she speaks very fast
other student : ViViana doesn't understand.She likes a donkey
teacher : Laura outside of my class! ViViana,don'tworry.i know the English is not easy but when you learn it your life will be better because the education is the key for better in the future
 US student : Let's go to the cafetaria .ViViana remember that NYC is a melting pot and has many cultures and people from other countries.


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