Sunday, January 22, 2012

Questions about my partner:                                                                                                                       

His name is Ali, what he does in New York is working and looking for a better life. rigth now he is working in a restaurant , he doesn't like to read, the time when he used to read was when he was a teenage.

He prefer to read non-fiction, now he is interested in spotrs soccer. He likes to read the news from his country on-line . He likes New York  and his educations plans are improve his Inglish. Also he likes to trabel. 


Lina Carrasquilla                                                                                                                                                                                        


Blogger the blog said...

Lina, thank you for writing about your partner and classmate, Ali. This is the corrected version of your writing. Please take a look and compare it with the original:

His name is Ali. What he does in New York is working and looking for a better life. Right now he is working in a restaurant.

He doesn't like to read. The time when he used to read was when he was a teenage.

He prefers to read non-fiction. Now he is interested in sports, soccer in particular. He likes to read the news from his country on-line . He likes New York and his educational plan is to improve his English. Also, he likes to travel.

Mon Jan 23, 07:30:00 PM  

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