Friday, January 20, 2012

Introduce about my partner

My friend is Claudia Agudo. She is 23 years old. She arrived in New York 2 years ago.She is from Ecuador. She is married. She lives wiht her hunsband. Now only she studies English here. She likes differents places here. She hasn't plans at the moment because she thinks things happen over time. Sometimes she reads. she read the little red riding hood when she was childhood, she read magazines when she was teenage years, she reads newspaper now and magazines. She prefers to read fiction. she does't like new york because she says that life here is expensive and she misses the food from her country. She prefers to cook at home and sometimes reads news about her country on-line.


Blogger the blog said...

Claudia is a nice person. Because you don't know your plans for the future. What places do you visit here? Do you have children? what kind fiction do you read?

Fri Jan 20, 03:48:00 AM  
Blogger the blog said...

This is a correction of your writing about Claudia. Please read and compare with the original:

My friend is Claudia Agudo. She is 23 years old. She arrived in New York 2 years ago.She is from Ecuador. She is married. She lives wihth her hunsband. Now she only studies English here. She likes different places here. She doesn't have plans at the moment because she thinks things happen over time. Sometimes she reads. She read "Little Red Riding Hood" during her childhood, she read magazines when she was in her teenage years, and now she reads newspapers and magazines. She prefers to read fiction. she doesn't like New York because she says that life here is expensive and she misses the food from her country. She prefers to cook at home and sometimes reads news about her country on-line.

Fri Jan 20, 07:05:00 PM  

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