Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apple's personal computer...... by jenny sarria.

Malcolm Gladwell is attempting to discuss about when an idea from a person sometimes is used to build a creation from other, and if this action is plagiarize or it’s an adaptation. Gladwell is doing that through the story about how Steve Jobs, possibly, took advantage of a visit realized to Xerox Corporation to get some ideas from PARC’s prized personal computer, and how their team may have reinvented the next generation in Apple’s personal computers.


Blogger the blog said...


Your first sentence is excellent. There is an error in the use of passive voice, though ("is plagiarized is correct").

"realized" can be omitted (just "visit to Xerox Corporation" is correct

-next generation in (next generation of)

The excellent thing is that you have understood a difficult article and summarized it with clear, grammatical sentences.

Wed May 25, 06:46:00 PM  

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