Saturday, October 30, 2010



Under your original story about your friend Camila, there is a corrected version.

Camila is a nice girl who was born in Colombia.

She came to New York with her mother, five years ago. During the time she has lived in New York her first four years, she lived in Up State N.Y. and the last one in Bay side N.Y.

When she came she studied in a nice school and her most difficult class was the English. Now Camila has learned the English very well no perfect but your score is the highest in her class.

Camila is going to the High School and your dream is to study Architecture, she is taking classes of photography and design and she says that love them.


Camila is a nice girl who was born in Colombia.

She came to New York with her mother five years ago. During the time she has lived in New York her first four years, she has lived in upstate N.Y. and recently in Bay side N.Y.

When she came she studied in a nice school and her most difficult class was English. Now Camila has learned English very well- not perfectly, but her score is the highest in her class.

Camila is going to high School and her dream is to study architecture. She is taking photography and design classes and she says that love them.


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