Thursday, July 30, 2009

Looking for the Happiness

Brenda Romero

Sunnie Hwang is 18 years old. She was born in Maryland, USA, but she lived in Korea for a long time. Now, she's in United States again because she's looking the happiness that she had when was a child, and her parents were still alive.
Her parents died before she was sick. After that, she went to Korea with her relatives, but she decided come back to the United States. She's unhappy, she lives alone since two years ago. She has a boyfriend, Jerry. They play game boy after dinner every night. When she feel sad, she call to her brother in Korea. She wants to be like her father, a NASA scientist, but she first have to finish a GED program at the YWCA. She's looking the happiness that she has when she was a child. She's
looking forward to have a family, live in her own house in a small town in Maryland.
In my opinion this is a sad story, but a true story, and many people live like her in this world. I think that if we pay attention to the stories from other people, we could be have more friends and give them one smile.


Blogger the blog said...


You gave your summary a title, and your writing has a beginning, a middle and an end. There is an elegance to your expression. You see the story and also see beyond it.


Sat Aug 01, 03:53:00 PM  
Blogger the blog said...


In the grammar, I see just one significant mistake. You should have used present perfect: She has lived alone since..

Thu Aug 06, 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brenda Romero

I agree your opinion. Many people have different story but feel like her. we will have more interest about each other. Forexample, We can donation for like her. We help ourselvese. Andthen we will be happy.


Thu Aug 06, 06:24:00 PM  

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