Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunny's Story (Ashley, Ji)

Looking back to a few years ago, she is filled with nostalgic sweetness.

Sunnny is woman and 18 years old. She was born Maryland, and she have lived with mom, dad and brother. When she was young, she had everything. Her life was changed due to her dad's disease. He finally died of a cancer when Sunny was only six years old. A few months later, her mom died of cancer too. Now Sunny lives by herself in Flushing in N.Y. Most people think that living alone is comfortable, but she doesn't think so. She has a friend who is Jerry and always plays a game with Sunny. When Her father alived, he was a scientist and made everthing for his daughter and son. For example, playground and swimming fool so on. While Sunny was reading a diary which her mother wrote, she looked back upon to her mom. After her mom died, Sunny and her brother came back to Korea, and they lived with their uncle. She discovered a picture
of her grandparents, but she couldn't notice. Because she has never seen them. She always go to bed at 6:00 am. Sometimes she feels lonely, she calls her brother in Korea. He said that sometimes he remembers his parents when it rains. Sunny does too, when she watches " the sound of music".
Even though she is young, she has experienced a lot of thing already. Maybe parents' death would have surprised her. So her voice seems to be weak. If I were her, I couldn't live anymore.
I hope she gets better in the future. she wanted to be a scientist, therefore I wish she doesn't throw away her dream.


Blogger the blog said...


I also hoped that Sunny wouldn't throw away her dream, but it seems that she already has. At the end of the story, she says that she now just lives day-to-day, with very diminished dreams. It is a sad and haunting story.


Sat Aug 01, 03:50:00 PM  

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