Thursday, July 30, 2009

Theory of the Broken Windows.

My presentation will talk about The Theory of the Broken Windows which is a interesting method applied to lower the crime rate. Basically the Theory explain the intelligent strategy to reach better results in a local with a high crime rates.
The example provide by the theory is:
" Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows..."
Other problem is when people leave litter accumulates on the sidewalk, eventually other peoples will star to leave bags of trash there too, and it will become a big problem in a short time.
The main idea of the theory is "Fix the problems when they are small"
The questions are: What relation is there between bad behavior and high crime rates? How the NYPD applied that Theory to lower the crime rates? Are the man the product of their environment?
If want to find answer to that questions and others, please, watch my presentation.
Thanks, I''l see you.
Isaias Fonseca


Blogger the blog said...


You have written in detail and well about the theory. Most importantly, you have asked questions. You have the spirit of inquiry on which learning and, indeed, progress depends.


Sat Aug 01, 03:29:00 PM  

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