Monday, March 10, 2008

Behavior in Public: Japan and the United States

This report talks about that big behavior differences between The United State and Japan. The first point is Americans are individualistic while on the other hand Japanese are not. It shows this a concrete example which is that Americans choose their clothes freely without caring. They can wear torn jeans and T-shirts and people are dressed formally at the same place. In contrast, Japanese hardly ever see such a scene in Japan.
We can see abstract examples too, such as there are of age. Also the writer put here a personal experience about differences, and He tried to explain the possible reasons there are such differences. He says it is probably the country’s circumstances. For example, The United States is a big country and Japan is small. In the first one there are diverse cultures. In contrast, Japan is a single-ethnic. In the end, He concludes just sating, “I want to accept the good aspects of both.
by Derminda C.


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