Monday, March 10, 2008


Sonia Bermudez

It was the winter of 1988.I took a train from Edgewater park in New Jersey, just to come to the Colombian Embassy to renew my passport. I didn't figure out how intense this day would be to me. First I was almost frozen, the landscape looked very sad. Nobody said a single word, may be everybody was like mummified probably thinking of their own problems. At 9:00 o clock I arrived at 42nd street station. I started to walk in a dark hall filled with all the kind of musicians and sellers. Of course the temperature was like being in a kitchen and the passengers ran like ants in all directions. Finally I got the horrendous red wagon very similar to the "Hitler time", carrying prisoners to the "Auschwitz ghetto". I had never imagine seeing the world capital city using this old fashion machines.
Second, the ambiance underwent a magical metamorphosis when I got outside I found 5th Avenue covered by snow. I walked at least three blocks and I stopped in front of the simple building with the national flag very deteriorated by the pollution. The place was very crowded because Omar Rayo, one of the most important painters of my country was visiting the Colombian colony and making an exhibition of his last works. All the attention public offices were closed. I lost my time but met a lot of my colleagues and some friends from Colombia. After that we shared in a Mexican restaurant where the owner was a Colombian gay. I ended the day in a home's friend in Queens. I saw many different thing that i had never imagine existed in this country.


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