Thursday, May 12, 2011

Facial Expressions Are Not Universal By Leo

People from different cultures have many ways to read facial expressions. For example, East Asians focus mostly on people’s eyes, but Europeans and Americans scan the whole face. Although Westerners look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure, Easterners look only the eyes and neglect the mouth.

Another kind to express emotions especially on the internet are called emoticons. East Asians use the eyes in emoticons to show emotion: ^_^ means happy and ;_; is sad. Westerners use the mouth :) is for happy and :( is for sad. With these ways to communicate emotions on internet. The emoticons are used to convey the intercultural communication is getting more complicated day after day.



Blogger the blog said...


You have constructed your summary in two paragraphs, exploring the ideas from the article in depth. You begin with the main point and continue in the first paragraph to talk about differences in the reading of facial expressions by Westerners and East Asians.

In the second paragraph, you examine how these differences are reflected in cyberspace, through the use of emoticons. In your final sentence, you indicate the conclusions the author of the article reached. Well done!

Thu May 12, 12:14:00 PM  

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