Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Sister, My Grief by Leo

He is relieved that this chapter is over. But he fears the war will not end. He lost his sister in 9/11 and many families too, but he tries to figure out if Bin Ladem's dead will bring peace to his heart and many hearts of relatives whom lost brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and friends at Wall Trade Center in 2011.



Blogger the blog said...


He is relieved that this chapter is over, but he fears the war will not end. He lost his sister in 9/11 and many families did too, but he is trying to figure out if Bin Ladem's death will bring peace to his heart and many hearts of relatives who lost brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and friends at the World Trade Center in 2011.

That is the gist (main idea) of the letter. It is an interesting one because the writer is a psychiatrist and may have a deeper understanding of emotions than most people.

Tue May 10, 05:38:00 PM  

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