Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a great day! - JIEUN KIM

Despite bad weather, we, my friend and I, decided to go out because we already had prepared for a picnic. Yesterday we bought lots of food such as Kimbab, chicken and soda. Also, we made a plan that we would go to Central park and get suntans. That morning there was no darkness and no clouds in the sky, so we didn't wary about weather. But we prepared an umbrella and a raincoat and then we went out. In Central park, I played and ate with my friend. We felt so happy and relaxed. Suddenly, the sky was getting dark and lots of clouds came. We went to go home very quickly. When we came back home, it began rainning.


Blogger the blog said...

Reading your composition, I wondered two things. Why did you choose Central Park (and not some other park) and why did you want a sun tan? Also, who cooked the food? Reading about it made me hungry.


Mon Aug 11, 09:55:00 PM  

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