Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The valuable thing for me.

I'm going to introduce the most valuable thing for me. It's my experience. As you know, all Korean men must go the military. Also I did it. I learned many things in that place. While writing, I'm looking back into the past, and it seems to be a dream.

5 years ago, I was in the second year in my university. I liked to play some sports with my friends and traveled to the edge of my country. If I didn't have to do something, only then I studied a little bit. That is, I never thought about my future and I just enjoyed each day.

One day, I got one letter from the Military Manpower administration. Then I thought about the way to escape from military service. But there was no way. I was frustrated. Unbelievably, the time was too fast.

Eventually, I joined the army. There were no women in that place. It was not allowed not only to do any private action but also to talk back. Moreover, I couldn't endure the fact that I would live there for 28 months.

As I much could expect, it was a difficult time since I was born. One day went on, one month went on, the year went on...eventually 28 months went on.

During the time, I learned many things. Among them, nothing is so valuable as my family and Don't waste time. I still keep in mind these things and try to keep them in mind.

If I have a hard time, I will overcome it largely based on memories that during that time.

written by Peter


Blogger the blog said...


I can only imagine how hard that time was for you. I congratulate and admire you for persevering!

Wed May 09, 03:00:00 PM  

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