Wednesday, April 11, 2007

blood diamond

I watched a new movie the name which is Blood Diamond the movie star is Leonardio di Caprio. The movie si about the diamond problem in Africa and diamond workers.
A village was surrounded by a terrosist group who killed a lot of people and they take as slaves the young people to work finding diamonds. A black man lost his family and he started to work at a diamond lake. One day he found a valuable big diamond in the lake and he burried it in land. After that, the goverment military raided the surroundings and all of them went to jail.
Leonardio was a diamond buyer and seller who come to Africa to buy diamonds. He met the black man, and Leonardio wanted the diamond but the man refused the offer. After Leonardia said, "I can find your family if you give me the diamond", and the black guy accepted. Leonardio wanted to help a jouranalist woman who met him in a ba, and she decide to help him.
They tried to find the family but they found only the mother and two children. The black man wanted to find his son who worked for a terrosist group. After they found his son but his characters had changed, so he did not want to know his family and he tried to kill them.
Leonardio wanted the diamond and the man gave it to him but the NATO military, - a group of bad troops- tried to kill them for the diamond, and they killed Leonardio who gave back the diamond to the black man. After that, the black man met with journalist and started to tell the whole story. They went together to England to buy the diamond. They executed a plan for a buyer because they wanted to end buying diamonds in Africa
After that, the diamond buyer was arrested by the goverment. The black mans family came to England for a better life and the man made a speech TV and told all of his story.


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