Monday, March 05, 2007


When I saw the movie, Iwas charmed by the story. the story wa verry intereting, also it was the same as the story in the book.

My friend always told me about it because she likes this story so much. This is emotional, religious and intesting , also this is a biography the name is " DAVINCI CODE".

When i was watching the movie, I was trasported back to that time, also I felt sad because I imagened the life of Maria Magdalena.

That movie is about the blood line of jesus christ, and the life of Maria Magdalena. In this movie, they tried to keep the secret about the blood line of Jesus Christo by code, but some people wanted to khow so they started to investigate. They found a lot of information by code. This was a hard job. Also, they described the life of Maria Magdalena, and how she suffered.

When I saw this movie, i felt very sad, but I wanted to see it again because now I understand that everything has meaning life.


Blogger the blog said...

I saw the same movie on an airplane and I must confess I could not enjoy it. I am still not sure what the meaning of "meaning" is in that kind of story. On the other hand, I know it was very popular. What other movies do you like?

Mon Mar 05, 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

Mon Nov 10, 01:55:00 PM  

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