Thursday, January 19, 2012

new partner

I would like to introduce to Dayanne. She is 19 years old and comes from Peru. She arrived here around 1 year and half ago. She wants to go to college and she wants to be Veterinary. She has dream to made a shelter. She would like music, history and sports but she hate basketball. Because her grandma force her to go to basketball team.


Blogger the blog said...

Nineteen is a very young age to begin a new life. So is seventeen and a half, which was Dayanne's age when she came here.

When you say that she has a dream of making a shelter, do you mean an animal shelter?

How did her interest in animals begin?

What kind of history interests Dayannne? Does she know a lot about the history of Peru? It is a rich story, I think.

Basketball is a great sport! But the New York team (the Knicks) isn't great this year, so Dayanne isn't missing anything. The baseball season is coming soon.

Thu Jan 19, 04:40:00 PM  
Blogger the blog said...

Thanks for introducing Dayanne. This is the correction of your introduction. Please look and compare it with the original:

I would like to introduce you to Dayanne. She is 19 years old and comes from Peru. She arrived here around 1 year and a half ago. She wants to go to college and she wants to be Veterinarian. She has dreams of making a shelter. She likes music, history and sports, but she hates basketball because her grandma forced her to go to a basketball team.

Fri Jan 20, 08:02:00 PM  

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