Tuesday, October 11, 2011

short summary of the fundamental ideas of steve jobs by Daniel Jimenez

"I have always said That If There ever meat a day When I Could No longer meet my expectations and Duties as Apple's CEO, I Would Be the first to let you know"

     Steve jobs since the start university life achievement of many goals which is very proud if any completed, always think and act as an inventor, as a person which promises to be a brilliant mind. And about what Steve Jobs said in the beginning of the paragraph, is that the disease that was killing him inside, he would be the only one who was gonna know when this day would come and good aspects of life would lead to instead of never ever return.


Blogger the blog said...


Yes, he achieved many goals. He left his job when he had to (he was fired and returned later) and he left his life when he had to (he died and will not return). He said that the knowledge of death helped him to use his life-time well. After he left Apple, the company did badly. People are wondering how it will do now.

Tue Oct 11, 12:21:00 PM  

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