Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Kumiko Yamauchi Summary of Romantic Love Lasts Only a Year

Italian scientists have found that a chemical in the brain responsible for
romantic love slowly disappears in over a year. Researchers discovered that
when a person first falls in love, level of a protein highly rises
up. The protein called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). Levels of NGF highly
reduces over a year or within the couple becomes partner. A reserch team
solved that the NGF balance in the bloodstream of 58 volunteers aged between
18 and 31 are greatly increased by love.  All of volunteers had started a
new romantic love and had  starry eyes. To fall in love makes us euphoric.
But It is only beginning of love.


Blogger the blog said...


This is your summary with some changes I made for clarity:

Italian scientists have found that a chemical in the brain responsible for romantic love slowly disappears over the course of a year. Researchers discovered that when a person first falls in love, level of a protein highly rises up. The protein is called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). Levels of NGF highly reduce over a year or after the couple become partners. A research team
solved that the NGF balance in the bloodstream of 58 volunteers aged between 18 and 31 is greatly increased by love. All of the volunteers had started a
new romantic love and had starry eyes. To fall in love makes us euphoric, but that is only the beginning of love.

Tue Oct 04, 01:32:00 PM  

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