Saturday, October 01, 2011

summary from SUNING

   Italian scientist found romance-inducing chemical in the brain last year.It is the reason why made us short of breath and prone to falling love over.Researcher called the protein NGF which greatly increase
when person fall in love.when new comes,NGF levels will be raise after one year or become the partner,NGF levels will be decrease.So it is less ungency to chase a partner to ensure .
   Researchers have demonstrated to prove that the levels of NGF increase is important role in chemistry of human beings.As a result ,all of the member had a new love and cased sweat palm and butterfies in stomach.


Blogger the blog said...


This is a corrected version of your summary:

Italian scientists found a romance-inducing chemical in the brain last year. It is the reason that makes us short of breath and prone to falling over. Researchers called the protein NGF, which greatly increases when a person falls in love. When new love comes,NGF levels will be raised, but after one year of becoming the partner, NGF levels will be decreased because it is less urgent to chase a partner to ensure his or her enduring love.

Researchers have demonstrated that the levels of NGF increase has an important role in the chemistry of human beings. Its effect was apparent in all of the members of the volunteer group who had a new love, which caused sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach.

Sun Oct 02, 04:06:00 AM  

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