Monday, October 10, 2011

About Steve Job's speech - Heloiza da Mota - 4.2

Steve Job’s speech is very emotional and inspiring. The history of his life is little bit the same of the history of the most of people. Everybory has a dream and almost everybody has troubles and difficulties in life, even a genious like Steve Job. That means that the importance is be patient, persistent, not give up and do your best. This is the only way to achieve our dreams.


Blogger the blog said...


You're right. Steve Jobs' life history was similar to everyone's. Considering it, we wonder why he achieved more than most people. What was his genius? He was an optimist. He had confidence and intuition. There was something more than intelligence, certainly.

As I listened to the speech, I couldn't help thinking that a lot of people in the world have no chance to do what they love. But of course Steve Jobs was talking to a special audience, with opportunities.

On the other hand, considering Steve Jobs himself, we remember that he was adopted and raised by a family without much education or money. He created his success without special privileges. I'm sure the love from his family was very important to his development. In fact, when asked about his own children, Steve jobs said he considered having them "ten thousand times greater" than anything else he had done.

Tue Oct 11, 01:22:00 AM  

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