Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Letter a Cindy Sheehan.

Edith Yumiseba.
Level 4.1

Letter a Cindy Sheehan.

I have read your letter carefully. I need to tell you that I have the same feelings like you and the other families who have their children in the war, and I feel bad for many young people that die in the war.
As your Congresswoman, I will to speak with other Congressmen and explain to them about the family grief. I also think that this war is unnecesary. However, the war will continue until Iraq reaches some political stability. Fortunately,many soldier are proud serve our contries.
The soldiers Know about their work that is to bring this war to an end and I think that they are proud to defend the interest of our contry and their beliefs. I know you and other family grief. However, your children chose to defend our contries interests. The soldier work is important in the world. You must be proud of your son and many parents and families should be proud of their children. They are "Heroes". If countries do not have soldiers,perhaps, order and people will be afraid of terrorism.
Finally, all wars are unnecesary , but while in the world exist people that want Power, there will be always war. And the soldiers always will have to risk their lives. And for this reasons "they are Heroes".


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