Monday, October 10, 2005

Dear Cindy Sheehan

As a Representativ of Congres I would like to tell you that I feel soory for your loss. You have had a really awful experience. You have had to bury your son, who died in a war that was wrong. This war was a mistake from the begining and I understand that you need some answers. After your son died your life fell apart and you have the right to protest. President Bush said that they died for a ''Noble Couse'', but what is a real meaning of those words? What is the real reason for the war in Iraq. There are many question that many of us Congress people want to be answered. I promise you I will tray to talk to G.W Bush, but now I can say that I'm proud of you and I'm keeping your position. Also, I belive that your son was proud to be a soldier and he did it for a " good cause"


Monika Halaj


Blogger the blog said...


Your letter has a good balance of passion and reason.

Wed Oct 12, 11:49:00 PM  

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