Tuesday, November 03, 2015

news stories

This is research to do now.

Choose one news story and prepare to tell the class about it.

The important thing is to be able to TALK about it in class  (not read from the paper)

You should get this information (write in your notebook)

A. the HEADLINE (title) and

B. CATEGORY (local, international, business, politics, sports, entertainment, etc.)

C. SOURCE (Where did you find the story? NY Times? Google News?

D. INFORMATION: where, who, when, what, why..

E. VOCABULARY (4 or 5 words that are most important for understanding the story)

F. IDEAS: (what is the meaning of the story? who is it important to?)

G. OPINIONS (what do people think about the story? What do you think?)

Find one news story here:


or here:


or (very difficult)



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