I would to introduced my partner Mildred.She 38 years old and She is from Dominican Republic.She is is working in Custom service JETRAVEL Agency.She is living in New york nine years. Mildred is married and has one 8 years son.Sons name is Jeff. Mildred wants to improve her English to find the good job. She likes do shopping, plays with her child and to be family all time on the beach.But She dasn't like to cook on the kitchen. Olso She wants to start to stady in college next year. Before came in the USA she gradueted O&M College in Dominicana Republic. She is living in Queens with family. They are renting two bedrooms appartment.
Ramil. 10/15/2011
Ramil. 10/15/2011
Please take a look at the changes I have made to the introduction you wrote. Compare the original and the new version:
I would to introduce my partner Mildred. She is 38 years old and she is from the Dominican Republic.She works in customer service in the Jet Travel Agency.She has been living in New york nine years. Mildred is married and has one 8 year old son. Her son's name name is Jeff. Mildred wants to improve her English to find a good job. She likes to do shopping, play with her child and to be with her family all the time on the beach.But She doesn't like to cook in the kitchen. Also, she wants to start to study in college next year. Before coming to the USA, she graduated from O&M College in the Dominican Republic. She lives in Queens with her family. They are renting a two bedroom apartment.
Here is a grammar point:
He is living means "right now"
He lives means "every day"
You can say "he is living in New York" or "He lives in New York." Both are correct. But in general if you talk about "every day" you should use Simple Present ("I/You/We/They live" and "He/She/It lives")
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