'Erick's life' by Kei
Erick was born in nice country that is Bolivia. He has been living in New York for ten years. Before he came here, he had lived in Bolivia till he turned 23 years old. Now he works in a parking garage in Manhattan. He is studying English in Lagurdia community collage. His hobbies are listing to music, weeing movies, and playing soccer.
One day, he experienced something incredible which he will never forget about. When World Trad Centers are attacked by tow air plains at Septentber 11th in 2001. He was working at the office. Big sound happened all of sudden and started shicking the floor he was standing on. As he looked at window, there are something that he would had seemed in a movie. A big cloud made dark everything he saw, and dusts were reaching to him as like big wave would attack and kill him. Erick had no idea what's going on and what would happen to people including him. He got out of the building and then he understand how bad situation he was being in. Fortunetlly, he did not get any hurts.
One day, he experienced something incredible which he will never forget about. When World Trad Centers are attacked by tow air plains at Septentber 11th in 2001. He was working at the office. Big sound happened all of sudden and started shicking the floor he was standing on. As he looked at window, there are something that he would had seemed in a movie. A big cloud made dark everything he saw, and dusts were reaching to him as like big wave would attack and kill him. Erick had no idea what's going on and what would happen to people including him. He got out of the building and then he understand how bad situation he was being in. Fortunetlly, he did not get any hurts.
This is the correction to your story:
Erick was born in a nice country that is Bolivia. He has been living in New York for ten years. Before he came here, he had lived in Bolivia till he turned 23 years old. Now he works in a parking garage in Manhattan. He is studying English at Lagurdia community college. His hobbies are listening to music, seeing movies, and playing soccer.
One day, he experienced something incredible which he will never forget about. When the World Trade Center towers were attacked by two airplanes on September 11th in 2001. He was working at the office. A big sound happened all of sudden and the floor he was standing on started shaking. As he looked at window, there are something that he would had seen in a movie (or that seemed like a movie scene). A big cloud darkened everything he saw, and dust was reaching to him as like big wave would attack and kill him. Erick had no idea what was going on and what would happen to people, including him. He got out of the building and then he understand how bad a situation he was in. Fortunately, he did not get hurt.
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