Thursday, May 21, 2009

Remembering Stonewall, TN

Before 1969, every gays had to live "in closet" which means they couldn't present themselves in the public that they were gay. They didn't want to be a target of police, other people and lost their jobs. Even the people who was not gay if they had something such as long hair,wearing drag or transvestite were considered as gay.
But after the Stonewall event in 1969 and after the death of Judy Garland who was considered as the gay icon, the movement for gay people has begun.
Today, gay people achieve some rights in some states of America, but the movement is not stop. The gay people have to be treated like the normal people.


Blogger the blog said...


I agree with you. It is always surprising to me to meet people who accept different races, religions and nationalities but do not accept homosexuals.

Thu May 21, 11:47:00 PM  

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