Thursday, May 07, 2009

face masks will protect you from flu??? (Quy)

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that masks are not a the best way to prevent the flu. it is useful for people who are sick; and health care workers who close contact with infected people.In addition when you wear a mask, it is a signal for everybody to stay away from you. the best suggestion is don't touch your mounth and your nose because there are two great areas where virus can access to your body.on the other hand, remember to wash your hands frequently and cover your cough.
we are in a emergency situation,if you have some symptoms such as :fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, don't be affair, and you have to go to hospital as soon as possible.


Blogger the blog said...


You synthesized the article well. Masks are for a limited group who are likely to have contact with people who have the virus. For the rest of us, common sense precautions are enough.

Fri May 08, 11:42:00 PM  

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