Thursday, May 07, 2009

face masks really can protect from flu?

If you go in some crowed places, you should wear a face mask. If you were sick, you should use a face mask. If you are health care worker, you have to close contact with the infected people, so you should do face mask. The face mask can give some protections for you.

CDC says they don't know exactly yet, the face masks can protect the effect of flu virus or not. So, if you want to protect the spread from flu, you should keep your touching your mouth and nose is better than wearing the face mask. Because your mouth and nose are the two main areas where flu or any virus can enter to your body.



Blogger the blog said...


Your summary is accurate except in one detail. I don't think the writer suggested we should wear face masks in crowded places. However, he definitely believes that health care workers and sick people should wear them and that the rest of us should wash our hands a lot, et cetera.

Fri May 08, 11:47:00 PM  

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