Thursday, May 21, 2009

Remembering Stonewall

Being gay or lesbian before Stonewall was a very difficult proposition because the society was very much against them. They had to fire from their jobs. So, they lived secretly because they were afraid of the recriminations. Actually, gay and les are also human being. They should have the same opportunities like the other people. The society should accept them to survive. And also Homosexual couple should have the same opportunities with the other couple. These days I saw some news about the homosexual couple married that they can marry legally in five Sates. But they still miss some opportunities from the bisexual couple married. I think all of the States should pass the homosexual married and they also should have the same lives with the bisexual married. Because homosexual married is legally marriage in some countries before. Man, woman, gay, and lesbian are all human being.


Blogger the blog said...

Nice writing, Khine!

I think the problem may be that some people who don't have confidence in themselves want to look down on other people and choose to look down on homosexuals because they are weak.

Thu May 21, 11:48:00 PM  

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