Monday, November 21, 2005

Juana Juarez

Juana Juarez
Writing 4.1

I don’t know how I can explain my feeling. Sometimes I feel angry here because some people are abusive, but other times I enjoy many things. Moquegua, Peru is a small city, whereas New York is a big city. Moquegua doesn’t have many places to visit, in contrast to New York that have many different places to enjoy every day. In my city, things are harder than here because there, all things are manual and I need a person to help me in the house to cook and clean. In contrast, New York is very easy because here, there are machines for everything.
For example, Americans eat fast food, canned food, and the food in not always fresh. In my city, there is very healthy food: fresh, natural and unprocessed.
Another example is that in Moquegua people have other people’s feeling in mind. The family is very important, and when somebody has a problem there is always someone disposed to help. A friend is always a friend. This is in contrast to whit New York, where often no one really cares.
Last week I had a terrible experience. I had to pay a company for a service that I never received and I didn’t know where I could go for assistance.
If somebody asked me which place is better, I would say that neither is better nor worse; they are simply different. Both have things good and bad. It’s important to know to adapt to each situation and to take the good things and avoid the bad things of both.
I think that we need adapt us to live here with all the new technological advances without forgetting our principle or values. We must spend time with the family and friends.


Blogger the blog said...


You are a very bright and positive person. Moreover, you are strong. Life here involves a lot of stress. To thrive, one must be strong. Also, the support of friends and family are essential, as you demonstrate.

Mon Nov 28, 04:21:00 PM  

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