Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A diffrent custom between Japan and the USA

“Ladies first” is one of the customs in the United States.
Whenever I am given this kindness with smile by men, I become happy.
However, I think that the custom is almost opposite in Japan. It means that “Gentlemen first” is a common sense in Japan instead of “Ladies first” because most Japanese think men still have a higher position than women do.

When I worked at an Airlines Company, flight attendants sometimes took an elevator with male cockpit crews. At that time, we had to make a certain way for them in the elevator even though they stood behind us. It was one of the severe rules at my company.

Most men in the United States have got used to doing this custom. Therefore, they do it very smoothly and naturally. They hold not only elevators but also doors for ladies. Moreover, they are willing to help ladies who have some heavy baggage. Whenever I see this situation, I became very happy.

Finally, I do not mean that I want to get this kind of favor like “ladies first”. I think taking care of someone’s mind is very important. I do not think Japanese men should follow this custom because Japanese also have their own good customs. If he/she finds that kind of a very good custom that his/her country does not have, he/she should follow that custom because I also follow good customs from other countries.

Yoko Matsumoto


Blogger the blog said...


The custom of ladies first might reflect the fact that women are physically weaker than men. Many countries in the world give men higher status than women. I wonder why that is? What is the historical origin of that imbalance?

Mon Nov 28, 04:45:00 PM  

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