Wednesday, April 18, 2007


According to a N.Y. subway transit officer, serious trouble was coming on the subway line which is near Laguardia college and attended by Laguardia 's students. Laguardia's students increased quickly in the past few years. It also will increase fast in the future. Too many students made the trains very crowded during the rush hours. Especially in the case of 7 trains, it even made the trains unable to close the doors.

"Many people complain about the Subway Transit. It's becoming a big problem," said th head of Subway Transit " In the future, it will become more serious than now. It's time to solve this problem. I figure that the Laguardia has responsibility to solve this problem."

On the other hand, the Laguardia's officers and students had another voice. They said that the problem was caused by Subway Transit . Because their work wasn't enough, there was the problem. They should solve any problems about the subway because they are N.Y. Subway Transit . We also don't like to be a train as in a crowded market." the students said.

How will the N.Y. Subway Transit solve the problem? I don't know, but I also wouldn't like it to become a bigger problem.


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